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Choosing a cartographic projection

The cartographic projection is a fundamental element in the creation of a map. It allows the representation of the Earth's surface on a flat surface. The choice of projection depends on the purpose of the map and the area to be represented.

In Magrit the default projection is the Natural Earth 2 projection.

You can change the projection of your map by clicking on the "Cartographic projection" button in the left side menu.

The dropdown menu of projections allows you to choose from a list of predefined projections.

Dropdown menu of projectionsDropdown menu of projections

Customizing the projection

When using a global projection, it's usually possible to customize:

  • its center (on λ, φ and γ axes),
  • its standard parallel(s).

Customizing the projectionCustomizing the projection

Window for projection selection

Global projections

Global projections are projections that generally represent the Earth as a whole (or on the scale of a continent).

Selection of a global projectionSelection of a global projection

Local projections

Local projections are projections used to represent a smaller portion of the Earth (e.g. a country, a region).

These projections are provided by the proj4js software library and are based on the EPSG database.

You can search for a projection by typing its EPSG code (e.g. "2154"), its name (e.g. "Lambert-93") or the area to which it applies ("France") in the search bar. When the EPSG code of the desired projection is known, it is advisable to use it to avoid any ambiguity.

Selection of a local projectionSelection of a local projection

Using a projection from a Proj4 or WKT1 character string

It's possible to use a projection from a Proj4 or WKT1 character string.

Simply copy and paste the string Proj4 or WKT1 into the dedicated field and give the projection a name.

Creation of a projection from a Proj4 or WKT1 character stringCreation of a projection from a Proj4 or WKT1 character string

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